Porn Addiction – Many people are fed up with the habit of watching porn. Whenever a person starts watching videos he gets trapped in the internet and always tries to find something better than before. Every time the mood wants something spectacular but there always comes a stage when you have to think twice whether you are doing good or not? If you continue that time and your health is also being affected by it, then you are addicted to porn. However, many people will not accept this. Read this article to learn more about porn addiction.
Table of Contents
What is porn addiction?
Porn addiction occurs when you are unable to stop looking at pornography, even if you want to. And eventually the fixation becomes so strong that it starts to affect relationships, employment, and other aspects of everyday life. It’s simple to see how this may be an issue given the widespread availability of online pornography nowadays. Internet porn and porn addiction both have recently risen in our world that’s why the research on this topic is limited.
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What is the cause of porn addiction and How does it affect our mind?
According to the book “Your Brain on Porn” written by Gary Wilson, sexual arousal releases a chemical called dopamine. The release of dopamine in the mind feels like a reward and for this reward system, a person keeps watching porn without stopping.

What is Dopamine?
Dopamine is a good mood chemical that is released in our brain in varying amounts through different activities. It has the power to prepare our brain to do everything. Some things that trigger dopamine in our brain in varying amounts are:
- This chemical is also released when a person takes drugs like cocaine.
- Increasing likes and followers on social media also increases the levels of this chemical.
- Consuming a lot of sweets and sugar.
- Consumption of tea and coffee.
Sexual arousal was essential to the origin of the human race, so this dopamine reward system has become very important in our reproductive biology. Novelty (we get excited by anything new) also stimulates our brain in the same way, so people easily get lost in internet pounds due to unlimited sex simulations and unlimited novelty. As the habit develops, it becomes necessary to increase the quantity to release dopamine and in this quest porn watchers start watching more shocking and violent clips.
While watching a violent clip, the thought that remains in the viewer’s mind is that I am watching, not doing anything. And what difference does it make by just looking?
You may not believe it, but watching even one porn video can lead to porn addiction and can even ruin your or your loved ones life.
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Types of Porn
We are not going to talk about those types of porn categories as you are thinking. We are only talking about mainstream porn and ethical porn.

Mainstream porn is widely spread in the internet era. Many studies around the world show that the average age at which people growing up in the Internet age first watch porn is 09 to 12 years. Many young people get their first idea of sex and their first experience of sexual pleasure from porn. However, porn significantly impacts sexual knowledge and preferences.
Ethical porn is porn that has been created to display sex in more healthy ways than mainstream porn. According to Leeza Mangaldas, who is India’s foremost pleasure positive content creator or sexuality educator, recommends watching ethical porn rather than mainstream porn. As per her opinion, ethical porn focuses on consent and healthy ways of sex as well as equal gender attitudes.
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How porn addiction harm you?
Porn watching and addiction have many harmful effects. Porn addiction not only affects your mental power but also has the potential to ruin your lifestyle. These are few harmful effects:
- After some time, porn becomes necessary for your sexual arousal.
- Reaching sexual climax without porn can be difficult even with a real life partner.
- The stereotypes and limited body types of mainstream porn can also increase your own body insecurities.
- Watching porn can increase your unrealistics expectations toward your partner.
- Violent and unequal sexual acts shown in porn point towards the disrespect of women.
- People watching porn may also experience anxiety.
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For many people, watching porn can be a completely positive and enjoyable experience that helps with sexual discovery without other fears of rejection, studs, pregnancy, etc. But if you notice it so much that it’s affecting your normal life, then you probably know it’s time to do something about it.
Also now the type of porn we watch can make a lot of difference, instead of mainstream porn, consider ethical porn as an option. Ethical porn is a better option than mainstream porn but we are not suggesting the same. At last, We would just like to advise you that you stop watching porn right now.
Some Additional Doubts
Question: Is porn addiction real?
Answer: Yes and sometimes it can ruin your life, health as well as relationship.
Question: What is the main cause of porn addiction?
Answer: Dopamine, It is a chemical that releases in our brain while watching porn and makes the mood happy.
Question: How to get rid of porn addiction?
Answer: Instead of watching porn, keep yourself as busy as possible.
Question: What are the main signs of porn addiction?
Answer: If you prioritize watching porn over lots of important work.
Question: What is porn addiction?
Answer: When you’re watching porn non-stop.
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Reference Links:-’_Addiction_to_Pornography