Orgasm gap: What you need to know

orgasm gap

The orgasm gap is the persistent gap in the frequency of orgasm of men and women during sexual activities, particularly in heterosexual ones. It has been indicated by studies that a big likelihood gap is found among men and women in having an orgasm during sexual activities. For example, men are said to quite frequently reach orgasm during heterosexual intercourse, while sometimes women do not reach at all.

Puberty in females and males: Stage, changes and how to manage?


Puberty is a phase of life in which steroidal sex hormonal synthesis by which body changes occur because of that an individual becomes sexually mature so that they can reproduce their young ones. It happens in both males and females. 

Vaginitis: Types, causes, and treatment


Vaginitis – “Vaginitis” refers to a variety of illnesses that cause inflammation or infection of the vagina. Vaginitis can be caused by germs, yeast, insufficient estrogen, or chemical irritants such as spray or spermicides. It is a common and curable condition, however, the therapy depends on the underlying reason. In this article, we will explore … Read more

Contraceptive Implant: How it Works and Benefits

Contraceptive Implant

Contraceptive Implant –  Have you ever thought that you can avoid pregnancy and enjoy full sex by inserting a small rod in your arm? Yes, it is possible with the help of contraceptive implant. Contraceptive implant is a device whose structure is like a rod and it is inserted inside the arm so that pregnancy … Read more

Syphilis: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention


Syphilis – Syphilis is a very dangerous disease that has been around us for a very long time but still we know very less about is curable with antibiotics and proper treatment but still, it is a concerning issue as if you got treated but the damages it has done to your body can … Read more

Bacterial vaginosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection that occurs due to an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. Basically, in the vagina, lots of bacteria stay but some of them are called good bacteria, and some of them are called bad bacteria, when both types of bacteria are in balanced quantity,

Testicular Atrophy – Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment

Testicular Atrophy

Testicular Atrophy – Testicular atrophy is an unusual disorder in which one or both testicles are shrinks. His testicles play an essential role in the production of sperm or testosterone, both of which are necessary for male reproductive health. Encapsulation can have a direct influence on these processes. There are several reasons why atrophy of the testicles may occur. Whether from an accident, disease, or neurotoxic chemicals. To guarantee illness control, it is critical to understand the disease’s symptoms and causes, as well as the treatment choices available.

Benefits of Orgasm: What you need to know

Benefits of Orgasm

Benefits of Orgasm: While sexual connection is essential for keeping partners together and happy, the advantages of sexual pleasure are still there. Regular orgasms provide several mental and physical health advantages. In this article, we will learn the benefits of orgasm.

BPH (Enlarged Prostate): Diagnosis and Treatment

BPH treatment

The prostate is a gland found in the male reproductive system. It lies immediately under the bladder. It produces fluid which is a part of sperm. An enlarged prostate occurs when your prostate gland grows bigger than usual. It is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH for abbreviation. Benign means not cancerous. And hyperplasia denotes excessive cell growth. BPH is not cancer, and it does not raise the chance of developing prostate cancer.

What is Ethical Porn and Where Can I Find It?

Ethical Porn

Ethical Pron – The word “ethical porn” has gained popularity in the sex entertainment industry. Its increase in popularity is comparable to the adoption of the term “organic” in the food business. These marks appear to represent a certain standard that is sold as a “better product” that conscious people should purchase.