Vaginal Ring – With today’s hectic lifestyle conditions, sometimes it’s a bit inconvenient to use contraception methods that need to be used on a daily basis, but vaginal ring comes with a solution that is easy to use and can be chosen on the safer side. It releases hormones into the body all the time and hence protects women from pregnancy.
Table of Contents
What is vaginal ring?
It is a really soft and flexible ring, free from latex and made up of plastic, that can be inserted into the vagina to prevent females from conception. It balances hormones in the body by releasing estrogen and progestin. It’s a form of hormonal contraception method that needs to be inserted once a month and worn for 21 days straight and then it can be removed for another 7 days, cycle continues the same way. Some clinical trials have shown a rate of failure of about 0.7% only for vaginal rings. Also, a continuation rate of 85% makes it high acceptability with low levels of side effects.
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Can vaginal ring can be used by anyone?
No, vaginal ring is not suitable for everyone. That’s why before prescribing for vaginal rings doctors usually conduct a medical test and look into the patient’s medical history. Females over 35 years of age who do smoke or either have a history of liver, urine, or breast cancer, should avoid using vaginal rings. Even people facing heart, liver, high blood pressure, blood clot, or unusual vaginal bleeding are not advised to use vaginal rings.
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What are the types of vaginal ring?
Mainly there are three types of rings available in the market. NuvaRing is the first ring that was approved. It is free from latex, made up of plastic and ethylene vinyl acetate, and needs to be replaced every single month. EluRyng is like the generic version of NuvaRing, it works exactly the same but is quite more affordable than NuvaRing. Annovera releases progesterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol. The same ring can be inserted for 1 year but must be removed for 1 week at a time every month. All three types of rings are effective, so one can consider the cost and convenience and make a choice based on their own lifestyle.
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How effectively vaginal ring work?
Vaginal rings do release of progestin and estrogen in the female body. The main function of these hormones is to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation, or by preventing the release of eggs from the ovaries for the process of fertilization. This ring thins the uterus’s lining and decreases the chances that a fertilized egg will implant into it. Also responsible for thickening cervical mucus to make it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
Vaginal rings are nearly 99.1% effective with a pearl index of 1.18, whenever used correctly, and about 91% effective when used regularly, which might include errors like forgetting to insert a new ring at the right time. For many women, the efficacy and convenience make using vaginal ring a better and safer option for contraception.
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How to insert and remove vaginal ring?
First, wash and dry your hands before insertion or removing the ring. Vaginal ring can be inserted in such a way that it needs to be held between the thumb and index finger and then press the sides of the ring together and then insert the folded ring into the vagina by pushing it inside using the index finger, one can use different positions according to one’s comfort level to insert it.
While removing use the index finger to gently remove the ring by pushing it inside, after removing it dispose of it properly. After removal, the ring needs to be inserted back in within 2 hours for Annovera, or 3 hours for NuvaRing and EluRyng if it’s removed in between 21 days period.
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What are the benefits of using vaginal cap?
It provide a hormonal option that is easy to use, there is no need to take dosage daily like pills. It also makes the periods lighter and reduces period pain. Using it for the long term can reduce the chances of uterus and ovary cancer. It also helps those who are affected by uterine fibroid, or ovarian cysts.
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What are the risks and complications?
Side effects caused by vaginal ring can be bleeding, nausea, breast tenderness, or headaches mostly within the first few months of usage. Some people may also experience elevated blood pressure and may need to have this monitored regularly. Complications can be a small risk of blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes or a slightly increased risk of breast and cervical cancer, even though this normalizes in some time after use is interrupted in between.
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A note from Kamarth
Vaginal rings provide an option that may be quite easier and more comfortable for some females than other contraceptive methods. It is trustworthy and effective against pregnancy, as it releases hormones that inhibit ovulation. Many women use it also for managing menstrual cycles. It is essential to communicate with a medical expert before going for it as it might not be that effective for a person based on one’s personal health condition.
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Some Additional Doubts
Question: What’s the best time to insert vaginal ring?
Answer: It’s best to insert the ring in the first 5 days of the period, the sooner the better.
Question: Is it permitted to remove the ring during sexual intercourse?
Answer: It is permissible to remove the ring while engaging in sexual intercourse, however, it is important to only have it out for a maximum of three hours within 24 hours. Longer than that will decrease its effectiveness and backup contraception would be needed.
Question: What to do if vaginal ring feels uncomfortable?
Answer: This can be the case when the ring is not fitted well, one can push the ring into the vagina as much as possible to feel comfortable.
Question: Can vaginal ring get misplaced?
Answer: It can get misplaced if inserted in the vagina but if by mistake it’s being inserted in the bladder, one might feel it’s misplaced, in that case, one should reach out to the medical expert on an urgent basis.
Question: Can vaginal ring be used with menstrual cups?
Answer: It can be used with menstrual cups but it needs to be taken care of while removing this cup so that ring is not dislodged.
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Reference links:
- NHS Inform Scot | Contraception | Vaginal Ring
- Webmd | Birth Control | Vaginal Ring | Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, Written by Keri Wiginton, WebMD Editorial Contributor
- Better Health | Contraception | Vaginal Ring
- Clevel and Clinic | Health | Vaginal Ring
- Medicine Plus | Vaginal Ring
- Science Direct | Vaginal Ring