Body Image: What is it, and how can I improve it?

Body Image – In a world full of idealized beauty standards, role models, and fashion influencers, a desire for a perfect socially acceptable body is bound to rise. These images influence the way we see our bodies and can also significantly shape our mental and emotional well-being. 

It is an evolving concept that is a universal experience, encompassing how we perceive our physical and bodily selves and also, how people think others perceive them. While some may look at “perfection” within the preview of cultural ideals, others associate it with a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt. 

Discussions around body image cannot be denied. It is a major part of life where we try to maintain and highlight the perfect versions of ourselves to others. Not just that, body image influences self-esteem, has an impact on our relationships, and can even extend to our choices about our career and lifestyle. 

In this article we will delve deeper into the multifaceted aspects of body image, exploring the factors, consequences, and ways to promote a positive body image.

What is Body Image?

Body image is a border concept under which two major categories are prominent: 

  • Positive Body Image: It is when you fully accept your body as it is, appreciate it, and feel comfortable about it irrespective of your body’s physical appearance. It also includes thinking and feeling positive about your body, no matter what others are saying. 
  • Negative Body Image: Negative thoughts and feelings that make you dissatisfied about your body relating to its size, shape, and weight. You feel bothered about your body every time, and develop an obsession with how your body “should” look. 

It is a subjective phenomenon and is shaped by multiple factors. It keeps on fluctuating as we grow older, at times you may feel positive about your body but sometimes this feeling is totally opposite. Some individuals might appreciate whatever body type they are while most others view it as something that needs to be fixed and matched to a particular standard they’ve created in mind.

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Factors Influencing Body Image

There are several factors that influence our perceptions of ourselves, particularly shaping what we view as acceptable and desirable kinds of body image. The major factors are listed here: 

  • Personal Relationships: Family, Friends, & Romantic Partners can have an impact on your thoughts about your body image. Being acceptable and desirable according to your family, friends, and partner’s perception about you is something that can direct you to either a positive or negative body image. 
  • Peer Groups: Peer groups are the most influential people you’ll meet. Your batchmates, the people of your age, can make you appreciate your body or reject it altogether by promoting a negative body image in you. Individuals with their peer groups, exchange and discuss perfect body image and how they are going to attain that level.
  • Cultural and Societal Expectations: Cultural ideals and gender roles defined by your cultural background as to what a “desirable man” and “desirable woman” should be like, also affect your body image. The pressure to conform to societal norms, what society thinks and accepts as an ideal body type is what pressurizes you to achieve that kind of body and in that journey, what practices and habits one should develop in order to be like that. 
  • Media Exposure: The representation of “perfect body image” in films, advertisements, and influencers also has an impact on individuals’ perceptions of their bodies. People register these images and visuals in mind and may develop a desire to look like them. Additionally, with the advent of filters and photo editing apps, we can see a significant change in what people see as “the perfect version of themselves”.
  • Health Conditions: Long-term health conditions such as illness, disabilities, and prolonged hormonal imbalances can perpetuate feelings and thoughts which can negatively affect your body image. 

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Positive body image can help you develop a higher self-esteem, make you feel confident, and thus, lead you to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. While, negative body image can adversely affect your mental, physical, and emotional health. Let’s see how [1][2]

  • Mental Health: People with negative body image can gradually develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) in which they start comparing their body with others and then constantly seek reassurance. They face issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression and can go through eating disorders. In fact, body dissatisfaction is one of the most significant predictors of disordered eating.
  • Physical Health: Since the individual with a negative body image are conscious all the time, they try to replicate and copy what others are doing, in order to look like their role models. For this, they may start over-exercising, indulge in unhealthy dieting, or totally neglect one’s health due to hopelessness with their appearance. 
  • Social Isolation: A negative body image can force you to isolate yourself because there’s a fear of judgment by others. Negative body image can have its worst impact by bringing in suicidal thoughts and harming one’s body. 

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Body image in different demographics

It can differ according to your age and several other factors.[3] [4]

Age Groups

  • Children and teens: This phase of life is totally about understanding the world and learning things. Here, your peers, teachers, and family play an important role in promoting either a positive or negative body image. Children who are bullied for their body shape and size are prone to develop negative body image of themselves which can significantly affect the rest of their lives. This phase is also an onset of Puberty and the changes it brings to your body. You may or may not like those changes. 
  • Adults: As you gradually become Adult gradually, you have control over what you think and what to choose as your lifestyle. While some may accept their body as it is, others may feel dissatisfied and follow a certain kind of lifestyle and attitude. A 2018 cross-sectional study by the Indian Journal of Community Medicine shows that among college-going adolescents, approximately 77.6% of girls are not satisfied with their bodies.
  • Older Adults: Aging and its related body changes such as wrinkles, muscle shrinking, etc. are some of the other factors that may give rise to negative image of body. 


  • Women: The pressure to look slim or have a “zero figure” and look youthful and young all the time can have serious implications on how a woman sees her body. For them, post-pregnancy body changes can be a little difficult to accept. They might get influenced by the female film celebrities who’d gone through pregnancy but still maintained a “good body figure”.
  • Men: The stigma of not discussing about image of body issues can affect men’s overall health. The overly masculine image we’ve as an “ideal body figure” which men are forced directly or indirectly to attain, is something that can’t be ignored. About 10 to 30% of men show body dissatisfaction, with 69% of male adolescents being dissatisfied with their body weight.
  • Non-Binary Or LGBTQ+ Individuals: It issues are even more difficult for people from non-binary genders or LGBTQ+ individuals. As they grow up they see changes in their body or hormones which are nonconforming to others. As a result, they’ve to go through struggles with their identity and body acceptance. 

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Promotion of positive body image

There are several ways in which positive image of body can be developed at both individual as well as collective levels. 

  • Introducing media literacy programs, where people can be taught and made aware of how to challenge unrealistic portrayals. 
  • A space can be built to encourage open conversations about it in schools and workplaces. 
  • Practicing gratitude and being thankful and satisfied with whatever body type you have. 
  • Practice self-care routines and mindfulness. 
  • Role models and influencers should promote the natural appearance and acceptance of every body type. 
  • An awareness campaign focused on challenging beauty norms should be created.

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It can be a defining factor in deciding your self-worth, which is influenced by several societal norms, media portrayals, and of course personal experiences. While you may feel an urge to conform to these expectations, there’s a chance you can actually fall into the trap and a never-ending feeling of dissatisfaction and disappointment. 

It is essential to take into consideration that beauty is subjective and there’s no perfect and fixed definition of what should be an ideal body type. You should develop your own version of beauty and be mindful of your choices and practices. By education and embracing self-acceptance you can challenge unrealistic portrayals in the media because ultimately it is about our uniqueness and a reflection of who we are. 

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Some Additional Doubts 

Question: What is body image? 
Answer: It is the perceptions and thoughts about the body and how we look.

Question:  what factors influence body image? 
Answer: several factors such as personal relationships, peer groups, cultural and societal expectations, media and health conditions can shape your perspective about your body. 

Question:  Are men affected by body image issues? 
Answer: yes, men are affected by it issues such as pressure to achieve a muscular and fit physique, etc, but because of the stigma attached to its discussion they may not feel comfortable sharing it. 

Question:  How can we promote positive body image? 
Answer: Building a space where everyone feels comfortable to have open conversations, awareness campaigns, influencers promoting natural appearance, practicing gratitude, self-care and mindfulness are all ways to promote positive body image. 

Question:  What are the signs of a negative body image? 
Answer: Some of the signs of a negative body image are feelings of dissatisfaction, shame, seeking acceptance, not taking pictures, facing the mirror over and over again, or not using it altogether. 

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  1. Rai, Anamika & Bhardwaj, Aarti & Nohwal, Tamanna. (2020). Self – Esteem and Body Image: A Correlational Study. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 1. 41-50. 10.26634/jhss.1.4.17747. 
  2. Markey, Charlotte & Gillen, Mariama. (2016). Body Image. 10.1007/978-3-319-32132-5_25-2. 
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  4. Quittkat HL, Hartmann AS, Düsing R, Buhlmann U, Vocks S. Body Dissatisfaction, Importance of Appearance, and Body Appreciation in Men and Women Over the Lifespan. Front Psychiatry. 2019 Dec 17;10:864. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00864. PMID: 31920737; PMCID: PMC6928134.
  5. NEDC | National Eating Disorder Collaboration | Body Image
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